铭宏 东莞市铭宏皮革机械厂是一家专业生产销售皮革机械设备、各种皮具机械、鞋机零配件批发的民营科技企业。位于东莞市厚街镇宝屯板屯二路13号,地理位置优越,交通十分便利,是一家拥有十多年研发经验的机械制造。专业生产:压光机、整烫机、烫金机、压线机、修边机、磨边机; 14、“30”分条机,单刀、多刀、圆载等各种规格分条机;强机胶上胶机、环保水性上胶机、热熔机等。各种规格上胶机、整厂鞋机、翻新等。双线座式内线机、257平面式油压裁断机、摇臂式油压裁断机、精密皮机、各种规格定型机。自本厂创立以来,我们以“客户至上、品质第一”为宗旨,奉行“以人为本”的经营理念,本着诚信经营的原则,不断开发新产品,向客户提供优质的产品和服务。本厂技术力量雄厚,设备先进,售后服务完善,产品在皮革皮具厂、手袋厂、箱包厂、鞋厂、等行业广泛应用。本厂旗下品牌“铭宏”皮革类机械设备,在行业内已享有一定的知名度。我们本着诚信经营的原则,今后将竭诚为广大客户提供优质的产品和服务,你的满意是我们怒力的方向!欢迎各界朋友光临、洽谈、合作! Dongguan Ming Wang Leather Machinery Factory is a professional production and sales of leather machinery and equipment, all kinds of leather machinery, shoes machine parts wholesale private technology companies. Hou Jie Town, Dongguan City, in the Po Tuen Mun Road, Tuen plate 13, and strategic location, convenient transportation, is a company with ten years experience in research and development machinery. Professional production: calendar machine, ironing machine, stamping machine, creasing machine, trimming machine, milling machine; 14, "30" slitter, single-pole, multi-tool, and other specifications set round slitting machine; strong glue on the glue machine, glue machine environmentally friendly water based, hot melt machines. All kinds of glue machine, shoe machine whole plant, renovation, etc. Double-block inside machine, hydraulic cutting machine 257 flat, rocker-type hydraulic cutting machine, leather machine precision, all kinds of forming machine. Since the factory founded, we have a "customer first, quality first" for the purpose of pursuing a "people-oriented" business philosophy, in line with the principles of honesty, and constantly develop new products to provide customers with quality products and services. Our strong technical force, advanced equipment, improve service, products in leather leather, handbag, bag factory, shoe factory, and other industries widely used. Our brand "Ming Wang" leather machinery and equipment in the industry has enjoyed a certain popularity.
- 所在地区:广东省东莞市
- 行业分类:皮革、毛皮、羽绒及其制品业